Live in the Present; Learn; Love; Laugh; Let Go & Leave a Legacy.


Live in the Present; Learn; Love; Laugh; Let Go & Leave a Legacy.

About Us

Prof. George Grant is the Founder & CEO of the Academy Of Wellness. 1981

Prof. Grant enjoys a stellar academic and fascinating career in research. He is a scientist, professor, chemist, toxicologist, nutritionist, biofeedback, stress management, and a pain specialist. Prof. Dr Grant worked as a Senior Consultant for Health Canada, FDA, and CDC for 10 years as well as 40 years working for the academia/Food/Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical Industries and in private practice.

Prof. George Grant has helped 11 Fortune 500 companies, 11 nonprofit organizations, and 11 Olympic athletes in Canada/USA/Europe along with 25,000 Clients/Students worldwide. He has over 250 published articles, conference presentations, book reviews, and 20 bestselling books. Senior Editor of 11 Scientific Journals.


The information in this site is for Education Purpose Only. It is NOT intended to diagnose, Cure any disease. It is NOT approved by Health Canada, FDA or CDC.Professor George Grant, Ph.D. Worked as a Senior Consultant for Health Canada, with MOU with FDA & CDC for 10 years.Professor George Grant, Ph.D. is Not affiliated with CMA. We Care, Serve & Educate. We do NOT Medicate, Operate, Irradiate, Amputate.

Contact Information


(416) 562-3140


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The information in this site is for Education Purpose Only. It is NOT intended to diagnose, Cure any disease. It is NOT approved by Health Canada, FDA or CDC.Professor George Grant, Ph.D. Worked as a Senior Consultant for Health Canada, with MOU with FDA & CDC for 10 years.Professor George Grant, Ph.D. is Not affiliated with CMA. We Care, Serve & Educate. We do NOT Medicate, Operate, Irradiate, Amputate.

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